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Sports Performance

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​Looking for a sport specific program to improve your athletic performance? 

Kayser Fitness will create a customized strength and conditioning program to fit your athletic needs. 

What we believe:


  • sport specific

  • individualized

  • injury prevention

  • research based



If you want to improve at your sport, why would you practice other skills when you train?! The research on motor control and motor learning (our ability to gain and enhance a skill) says that we have to train the skill want to improve.


Here's an example:


  • GOAL: improve vertical for your volleyball attack

  • PROGRAM: double leg, explosive jump training


Every person and every athlete are extremely unique... therefore each program should reflect that! Whether it is the sport you play, your body type, or your strengths or weaknesses, a personalized strength & conditioning program will be designed. Each program will be based on a full physical evaluation and movement analysis to meet your goals.

Injury Prevention

With a background in physical therapy, I emphasis injury prevention as a goal for each of my clients. Sports are something we enjoy and want to improve in, and an injury should not be a limitation of this! A functional movement assessment and full body evaluation will be completed prior to the design of a program to pick out where an athlete may have a higher risk for injury. Based on these assessments, specific exercises, strengthening, and stretching will be included in each program to decrease risk and optimally prevent injury. 

Researched Based

Don't trust your coach or fitness trainer, trust the research they base their program on. There is surplus of information and research being delivered on a DAILY BASIS to improve sport performance and generalized fitness. At Kayser Fitness, a client specific program will be based on research and expertise that is valid, up to date, and effective!


​​​KPTF's mission is for all clients to maximize their function, return to normal daily activities and high quality of life.

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